Monday 29 September 2014

Top 5 Vampires from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

When I wrote about Buffy before I didn't didn't mention the villains much. It would have been the longest post ever if I had. I've decided to do my personal top 5 vampire antagonists in the show and I'll do another for non-vampire villains later. You can't exactly have a show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer without vampires to slay.

5. Lyle Gorch: I've always loved a vampire with a difference and Lyle Gorch is that. He was one half of a vampire duo with his brother Tector Gorch. Known, obviously, as the Gorch Brothers. They were a couple of nasty guys before becoming vampires, mass murderers to be exact. Lyle looked bad-ass but provided more comedy than anything else. He's always been one of the vampires I've thought of when I think about Buffy.

4. Darla: Darla has always been one of my favourite vampire in anything never mind Buffy. She was the first vampire you see properly in the show and as a bonus she liked to wear a sexy catholic school girl outfit, she looked hot as hell when she wasn't vamped out. She was always pretty cool too.

3. The Master: This guy was proper awesome, a real old school vampire. He was bald, pale and skinny with a love of epic speeches and rituals. Everything about this guy was cool in an old school way. He was probably the inspiration for the old world stories of vampires just check the way he's standing in this picture.

2. Spike: Now most people would put William the Bloody as number one but, unlike the majority of people that would be doing a top Buffy vampire list, I'm not a horny goth girl. He is pretty bad-ass though. As far as I can remember he's the only vampire to single-handedly take down 2 slayers. He makes one hell of a villain though, especially with Drucilla. There's not much worse than a highly violent rebel doing the bidding of a child-like psychopath. Plus he inspired Billy Idol, love the punk vibe.

1. Angelus: The Angel that appears in Buffy might be a bit annoying and mostly there for the teenage girls but when he changes to Angelus he's the baddest of vampires. Even re-watching the episodes with Angelus now sends shivers up my spine. Love when he shows up at the vampires lair and takes over and he seems to create more fear in the other characters than the rest of the vampires put together. There's definitely something unnerving and cool about Angelus.

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