Monday 29 September 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I must admit when I first heard the plot for this movie I thought, "damn, their messing it all up again." The complaining by the internet people didn't help either and a couple of people I know came out of the movie saying it was the worst marvel movie yet. Despite these fears though I decided to watch it albeit expecting the worst. Less than 10 minutes in and I was happily proven wrong. The action was perfect and the geek out was extreme. 

One of the things I was worried about being terrible, especially from watching the trailer was Quicksilver. I was again happy to be proven wrong about this. He was done very well and he's turned out to be one of my favourite bits about the whole movie. Still not a fan of his outfit though.

Another highlight for me was having Colossus in it again, he's always been one of my favourite X-Men and I'll say it again, I love that he is one that has been repeatedly picked to bring to life.

Two more of my personal favourites show up in this too. One being Warpath, who to be honest I know little about but I know he looks cool.

The other is Bishop. He's been my favourite X-Man since I was a kid and I have to disagree with the internet moaners that he's not in the movie enough. He was on screen at least twice as much as those people claimed and Omar Sy couldn't look more like him if he tried. Would be sweet to see more of him in the future but I'm not getting my hopes up.

One thing that has to be agreed on though is how awesome Magneto is with his new close-to-comics armour.

I also really liked Toad in this for some reason. Anyone else think he looks like Vriess from Alien: Resurrection had been out in the sun too long?

There are two mutants that I don't recognize though that are pretty damn cool. Sunspot being one, he has one hell of a powerful fire blast and looks like a cooler version of the Human Torch.

The other is a teleporter called Blink who looks like a cool purple elf.

She's played by the super hot Fan Bingbing, a Chinese actress, television producer and pop singer.

Speaking of hotties, we have three of the hottest back playing some of our favourite characters. Halle Berry is back as Storm.

The always cute Ellen Page is back as Kitty Pryde/ Shadowcat.

The internet's favourite young actress, Jennifer Lawrence is back as the seductive Mystique. She seems to be perpetually cute when played by Jennifer Lawrence.

Also, Game of Thrones fans, Peter Dinklage is awesome in this as he is in everything else. He plays one of the villains; Trask.

The only complaint I have is the future Sentinels look kinda crappy, thankfully the prototypes look amazing. Very different to the comics and games but good enough to keep me happy.

This is a great way for them to erase their past mistakes and stop pissing everyone off. All they need to do now is stop being such dicks to Sony and Disney and stop trying to copyright common words. Wolverine and Sunspot were Avengers too after all.

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