Tuesday 29 July 2014

17 Again

This movie is much better than I expected it to be, it could do with a little more Mathew Perry though. Zac Efron is awesome in this movie though, it was the first successful step in shaking off the High School Musical image. He acts like a middle aged man amazingly and mimics Perry's actions perfectly. I was very pleasantly surprised at his acting skills and judging from the fight scene he'd probably do well in an action movie too.

Two of the hottest women ever are in this too, Leslie Mann always makes a super hot milf or any other type of woman to be honest.

Michelle Trachtenberg is awesome in this too, especially the bit where she comes on to Zac, it's hot. I've been a fan of her since Buffy, I had a crush on her since her first scene. She was always fantastic looking but there's something really special about her now. I'd like to see her playing a sexy yet bad ass witch for some reason, I think her look would suit that.

You should watch this if you like the old school comedies that involved magic like Freaky Friday and The Kid.

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