Tuesday 30 September 2014

I, Frankenstein

This movie is a great bit of fun. I like the modern action packed take on horror movies. I know it's been done before with Van Helsing, Constantine and Underworld to name but a few but I love most of these movies. A mega powerful or skilled man or monster is recruited into a secret "unseen" war between two cool looking factions. The good faction is always outnumbered and ever vigilant, only taking time out from their duty to tell a depressing story about how bad the war is. Then the evil faction is always represented as a world power, normally corporate, and they spend a lot of time being creepy in night clubs. The neutral guy, who always picks the good side in the end, is always a loner that spends all his days looking out of windows of dirty apartments or motels and normally only joins the good side thanks to some hot lady that constantly makes him feel guilty. Although movies like this are all cliches and laughable at times I still love them, they tend to look great and the good guys always look cool. The same goes for this one, I'd say it's one of the better in the genre but not one of the best. It's the type of movie that will have you watching it every time it comes on TV.

The Adam character is pretty cool though even if he is all 'woe is me' and reclusive. Aaron Eckhart was pretty good. I like how he's angry all of the time and it's understandable considering no one is treating him like he's alive. Both sides keep on abducting or trying to abduct him as though he's an object rather than a man.

One thing I really love about this is that the good guys are just as bad-ass as the demons. They look bloody fantastic in Gargoyle form.

They also look just as bad-ass in human form, I love their armour.

The Gargoyle Queen, Leonore, also looks amazing.

She's also pretty damn hot in human form as she's played by the beautiful Miranda Otto.

Another of the Gargoyle women is mega hot as she's played by the very sexy Caitlin Stasey. I first spotted her in neighbours years ago and was wondering when I would get to see her again.

Since we're on hot women, I wasn't exaggerating when I said it was a hot woman that makes Adam join the good side. Terra is played by the epically hot Yvonne Strahovski.

The demons were pretty cool in it too though they could have done with more variation.

A complaint I heard about this was that Bill Nighy looked a bit shit in demon form, I quite liked it though. He was like a video game boss.

Prince Naberius
This is definitely worth at least one watch. It's one of those movies no one can tell you if you'd like it or not. You might hate it or you might love it, I loved it although there did seem to be something wrong that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

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