Thursday 31 July 2014

Bolt Thrower

Bolt Thrower are a band I've been listening to for a few years, not as long as they've been around but long enough to say I've listened to them a lot. They're just proper metal I'd say, they make you wanna throw on the spikes and combats.

One of my favourite songs is Inside The Wire. 


Ted was Seth MacFarlane's first attempt at a feature length live action movie. I had major reservations as to whether or not it would be any good since failure transitioning between mediums is common. He sure as hell pulled it off though and he made one of the best comedies in the past few years, even the little bits of Family Guy he threw in work very well. I like how it's 'what would happen 20 years after the magical being saved the misfit kid from boredom'. In a way it's like an unofficial sequel to all those movies we watched as a kid where an alien/ magical toy or talking animal saved the day. By saved the day we normally mean that they went on an adventure without the kid and at the end gave him/ her a hug because they are being bratty about moving or something similar. Anyway I digress, the movie is awesome and check out Giovanni Ribisi's genius acting as the creepy stalker Donny. Ribisi is amazing at playing cray and even though it's a comedy he still has you worried.

My girlfriend told me to blog about Ted because she wants me to say how I think Mila Kunis "really does have an amazing face, she's like an Egyptian Goddess", that's what I said while watching the movie a couple of nights ago.

I'd like to say well done to Mr Kutcher and I'd high five him if I met him (and could reach).
There's also a few other hot ladies in this movie but I'd like to point out the cameo by the lovely Norah Jones because she's... well Norah Jones.

I'd give this movie a watch if you haven't seen it already, it's not to everyone's taste but who cares?

Alexa PenaVega

I've never really been a follower of her movies but I have checked her out often since the late noughties, it started off just being curious as to what she looked like as an adult and I've been keeping an eye out for anything she's in that I'd watch ever since. She didn't really show up in anything I was interested in until last year though. I still like to Google her once in a while.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Dillinger Escape Plan

The Dillinger Escape Plan are one of the bands I've listened to for years and they are one of the first bands I seen live which was awesome by the way.

Their last single was amazing; Happiness Is A Smile.

Melissa Rauch

If you know Melissa Rauch then it will probably be as the sweet and little, but don't mess with her, Bernadette from Big Bang Theory. Melissa Rauch is super hot, either as herself or as Bernadette. Bernadette's outfits are always very sexy.

Iron Man 3

This movie is just as awesome as the other Iron Man movies and I don't know why I didn't mention it before but Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan is one of my favourite things about the Iron Man movies and I'm glad he's used more in the third one.

At first I was extremely annoyed at what they done with the Mandarin in this but I've grew to accept it even if the rumors of the real Mandarin and rings being out there are false. I still have hope that they will use the proper version at some point. I mean his power does come from alien technology and even if it is magic, they are making Dr Strange after all. Either way I'm alright with leaving it at this, he does look cool in the movie too though.

The Iron Patriot looks amazing too in this though I'm loving that he's back as War Machine in the new Avengers movie.

Making Aldrich Killian and A.I.M the main bad guys in this was awesome and the Extremis guys looked cool, I love a lava based villain.

And as it's a super hero movie there's gonna be hot women in it.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Stephanie Szostak
Rebecca Hall 
This movie makes me want all the Iron Man toys.

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 is my personal favourite of the Iron Man movies, the whole movie is just epically cool.

My favourite thing about this movie is the inclusion of War Machine who has always been one of my favourite Marvel heroes. He looks amazing in this too.

As always Iron Man is joined by Pepper Potts played again by Gwyneth Paltrow.

Scarlett Johansson also shows up as every ones favourite catsuited red head Black Widow for the first time.

The baddie for this, Whiplash, is definitely awesome in both of his guises.

Iron Man

Iron Man was the movie that started the hugely successful Avengers story line and it was a sign of things to come with it's humor and how epic the movie looked. They definitely got the look of Iron Man right.

The Mark 1 also looked fantastic and it's clunky movements are a great touch.

Another thing Iron Man set the precedent for is hot women with Gwyneth Paltrow as the lovely Pepper Potts and Leslie Bibb as the reporter Christine Everhart.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Leslie Bibb
Iron Monger looks great in this too, I didn't know anything about this character before the movie though.

I also don't think we could have Iron Man without a heavy metal soundtrack.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Cradle of Filth

I'm not the biggest fan of black metal but there is a good few bands of that genre that I do enjoy and Cradle of Filth is one of them.

They also have one hell of a hot woman that performs keyboards live with them, Lindsay Schoolcraft.

My favourite song is Nymphetamine featuring the pretty hot Liv Kristine.

The Avengers

The Avengers (or Avengers Assemble) is another example of Marvel getting the movie versions of their comics spot on. All the heroes look cool as hell in it and the action is epic. The fight between Iron Man and Thor is awesome and I think everyone loved the fight between Thor and Hulk. Speaking of the Hulk, I would have to say Mark Ruffalo is perfect as Bruce Banner this time it really was third time lucky.

Thanks to the perviness of comic book illustrators all these movies have hot women in them, we obviously have the much loved Scarlett Johansson.

The gorgeous Cobie Smulders makes her Marvel debut as Maria Hill.

I know a lot of people complain about Gwyneth Paltrow being annoying but she sure is good looking, especially as Pepper Potts.

As usual the bad guys look cool too:

The Other
As do the alien invaders the Chitauri (I love the sort of dead Egyptian look the aliens have).

The bit with the Avengers standing back to back still sends a shiver down my spine.


Mýa Marie Harrison is a woman I've been interested in for a good few years now. I must admit though I don't really know any of her music, I just noticed her first in the Lady Marmalade video.

I remember when that music video first came out and I seemed to be the only guy I know that chose Mýa as my favourite. She also had the hottest outfit in the video.

17 Again

This movie is much better than I expected it to be, it could do with a little more Mathew Perry though. Zac Efron is awesome in this movie though, it was the first successful step in shaking off the High School Musical image. He acts like a middle aged man amazingly and mimics Perry's actions perfectly. I was very pleasantly surprised at his acting skills and judging from the fight scene he'd probably do well in an action movie too.

Two of the hottest women ever are in this too, Leslie Mann always makes a super hot milf or any other type of woman to be honest.

Michelle Trachtenberg is awesome in this too, especially the bit where she comes on to Zac, it's hot. I've been a fan of her since Buffy, I had a crush on her since her first scene. She was always fantastic looking but there's something really special about her now. I'd like to see her playing a sexy yet bad ass witch for some reason, I think her look would suit that.

You should watch this if you like the old school comedies that involved magic like Freaky Friday and The Kid.

Friday 25 July 2014

The Distillers

The Distillers are probably one of the the best punk bands that ever existed. I've always thought they were amazing anyway.

They were also fronted by the sexiest woman in punk: Brody Dalle and she's still mega sexy today too.

The best song is City of Angels. I'd also say its one of the best rock songs ever.

Laya Lewis

Laya Lewis is an English actress known for her role in Skins. She needs to be cast in more stuff because her episodes in Skins were the only ones that had me feeling sad for any of the last set of characters. Not only is her acting pretty damn good she is, in my opinion, the hottest character from all the seasons.

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

This has to be one of the most successful reboots of all time, although The Hulk was a good laugh and Eric Bana was good as Bruce Banner it was a load of crap and looked stupid half the time. They sure as hell got Hulk right in this though. Not so much with Bruce though, don't get me wrong Edward Norton is one of my favourite actors and he's great in this too, he just doesn't fit the role physically for me. General Ross was perfect though.

Not only do we have the eternally gorgeous Liv Tyler in this we also have a lovely Brazilian actress (Débora Nascimento) playing the lady Hulk saves from the town arsehole when Bruce is in Hiding.

Débora Nascimento
Liv Tyler must have found the fountain of youth because that woman looks as flawless now at 37 as she did when she first came to the worlds attention at 16.

Another part of this movie that couldn't be done any better is the Abomination.