Wednesday 30 July 2014

Iron Man 3

This movie is just as awesome as the other Iron Man movies and I don't know why I didn't mention it before but Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan is one of my favourite things about the Iron Man movies and I'm glad he's used more in the third one.

At first I was extremely annoyed at what they done with the Mandarin in this but I've grew to accept it even if the rumors of the real Mandarin and rings being out there are false. I still have hope that they will use the proper version at some point. I mean his power does come from alien technology and even if it is magic, they are making Dr Strange after all. Either way I'm alright with leaving it at this, he does look cool in the movie too though.

The Iron Patriot looks amazing too in this though I'm loving that he's back as War Machine in the new Avengers movie.

Making Aldrich Killian and A.I.M the main bad guys in this was awesome and the Extremis guys looked cool, I love a lava based villain.

And as it's a super hero movie there's gonna be hot women in it.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Stephanie Szostak
Rebecca Hall 
This movie makes me want all the Iron Man toys.

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