Thursday 31 July 2014


Ted was Seth MacFarlane's first attempt at a feature length live action movie. I had major reservations as to whether or not it would be any good since failure transitioning between mediums is common. He sure as hell pulled it off though and he made one of the best comedies in the past few years, even the little bits of Family Guy he threw in work very well. I like how it's 'what would happen 20 years after the magical being saved the misfit kid from boredom'. In a way it's like an unofficial sequel to all those movies we watched as a kid where an alien/ magical toy or talking animal saved the day. By saved the day we normally mean that they went on an adventure without the kid and at the end gave him/ her a hug because they are being bratty about moving or something similar. Anyway I digress, the movie is awesome and check out Giovanni Ribisi's genius acting as the creepy stalker Donny. Ribisi is amazing at playing cray and even though it's a comedy he still has you worried.

My girlfriend told me to blog about Ted because she wants me to say how I think Mila Kunis "really does have an amazing face, she's like an Egyptian Goddess", that's what I said while watching the movie a couple of nights ago.

I'd like to say well done to Mr Kutcher and I'd high five him if I met him (and could reach).
There's also a few other hot ladies in this movie but I'd like to point out the cameo by the lovely Norah Jones because she's... well Norah Jones.

I'd give this movie a watch if you haven't seen it already, it's not to everyone's taste but who cares?

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