Thursday 2 October 2014

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Now I've always liked this movie more than The Terminator and that is probably because I didn't see The Terminator until I was an adult and I grew up watching T2. When I was a kid I always wanted to be like John Connor and I started basing my style on his in this movie. The action in this was gold, I don't think anyone can forget how awesome the chase scene with the truck was... and that bit with the T-1000 chasing the police car, that got my heart racing.

Then there was Arnie's iconic look, leather jacket, shotgun and messed up face. It still looks great now.

When I was younger I found the T-1000 both immensely cool and terrifying. I think it was the first time I seen a bad guy in a police uniform and the blew my mind a bit.

Also Sarah Connor was very cool in this, she had went from lovely looking but really annoying to being pretty bad-ass as well as cool and sexy.

This movie is one of those rare movies that blows the original out the water.

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