Saturday 4 October 2014

Emma Blackery

Emma Blackery is another of my girlfriends favourite youtube people and I must admit I like her a lot too. So much so that I've even watched a few of her videos on my own. She's very funny and for some reason really interesting to listen to. Her rants and sketches are both really fun to watch and her ask Emma videos are pretty great too, especially when asked something by a perv or idiot.

After seeing this picture I liked her even more.
She's not just smart, funny and the owner of some 'girl balls' she's also one of the best looking people I've ever seen. She really does look amazing, it takes a massive level of hotness for a woman to pull of being almost bald. It was like this I had first seen her and asked "who's that, she's gorgeous".

She's not only a super hot vlogger, Emma Blackery is also a fantastic musician. Her debut EP, Distance, was released in July 2013.

You should have a listen to The Promise, it's a beautiful piece of music.

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