Saturday 4 October 2014

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Like many TV shows I didn't start watching this until long after it became irrelevant. I must admit it was massively over-rated, saying that it was still very good and made for some must-watch TV. John Connor in this is at least much better than the John Connor in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

Lena Headey, although scary in Dredd and punchable in Game of Thrones is otherwise very attractive in everything else. I think that shows how awesome of an actress she is. She's such a bad-ass in this as Sarah Connor. She's also got such a lovely face, could stare at it for ages.

The main robot in this is also mega hot as she's played by the stunning Summer Glau.

One of my favourite sexy ladies I grew up having a crush on is also in this, Shirley Manson plays Catherine Weaver a model T-1001 similar to the T-1000.

The main enemies in this are pretty cool and are basically an upgrade of the T-800, the T-888.

You should give this a watch if you are a fan of the movies.

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