Tuesday 12 August 2014


I remember when this movie first came out I didn't really care if it was any good, I just wanted to see my favourite X-Men come to life so it was an added bonus that the movie was great. Cyclops was fantastic and way under used considering from the very first issue of the comic he has been one of the most iconic X-Men. There is one really bad bit that sticks out though and I think everyone knows what I'm talking about: Storm's "What happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning" epic fail at a 'cool' line.

The bad guys look great too, Sabretooth looked perfect and his attitude was spot on.

Ray Park is fantastic as Toad too and if you love watching this guy's martial arts he also plays Darth Maul and Snake Eyes.

Magneto, the head of the X-Men's rivals the Brotherhood of Mutants, is played by the legendary Sir Ian McKellen. It also helps that they gave him a cape, childhood defining characters tend to disappoint if they are modernized of changed too much.

Then we have Mystique who is rather hot in the comics but look kinda pointy in the movies. I can't tell if it was an excuse to have a naked lady running around or if it was an attempt at making a blue lady less attractive, either way we got both.

Mystique brings us on to the lovely women in this movie as she is played by the very sexy Rebecca Romijn.

Famke Janssen plays the part of the mega powerful Jean Grey, she really looks the part.

Then the lovey Halle Berry plays Storm, who's always been annoying and awesome at the same time. Halle Berry seems to get forgotten a lot and I think she's underrated these days though she has shown up in some real bad movies recently.

Finally we have every teenage boy in 2000's favourite Anna Paquin as every teenage boys favourite in 2000's Rogue. We all celebrated when we found out about true blood although not many of us have seen the whole show; know what I'm sayin'.

It kinda makes me feel weird knowing this movie was out 14 years ago.

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