Tuesday 12 August 2014

I'd love a Nightcrawler game.

Doing that post on X-Men 2 reminded me of a video I recently watched on youtube by Smosh Games and I have to agree fully with Joven; if done right a Nightcrawler game would be epic and would probably be a contender for best comic book or super hero game ever.

As this video explains Nightcrawler combat would have the potential to be cool as hell and extremely satisfying. Nightcrawler is not only an awesome martial artist and gymnast with teleporting powers but he is also a master swordsman, this combination would make for fantastic action gameplay. A stealth element would also be perfect for this character's gameplay since another of his abilities is that he can blend in with the shadows and can basically disappear without going anywhere (and I don't mean he teleports, he basically becomes one with the shadows).

As for story there's masses of potential. If you've only watched the movie and not read the comics then you'd know Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawlers real name) as an self loathing ex-assassin who grew up in the circus and became a member of the X-Men for a few days. In the comics however he is much more than that, he is one of the most prominent and permanent members of the X-Men. He is also a successful private detective, a paranormal investigator and a bad ass demon hunting priest. The story could stick to the mutant side of Nightcrawler, having him face off against the usual enemies of the X-Men or it could focus on the demon side of him, maybe having him have to stop his father, the demon Azazel, from invading earth. In case you're confused Azazel is a mutant but he comes from another dimension which makes him a demon of sorts. Or the game could transition between both which would be the better choice I think. It could start off with a tutorial stage with a young Nightcrawler discovering his teleporting powers while with the circus, maybe even dressed as a pirate or Zorro (something cute to market in soft toy form). Then Nightcrawler and the X-Men could be chasing Sabretooth or someone and somehow that ends up with Nightcrawler having to rescue the rest of the X-Men from Azazel, punching familiar and some new (demonic) faces along the way.

The readers of the X-Men will know Nightcrawler as a witty prankster as well as being the bad ass he is so this could lead to the best thing about video games that they would rarely do in movies and put a lot of humor in the game. Just like Deadpool and Spider-Man, Nightcrawler always seems to have something witty to say to himself during the midst of battle or in dark situations. This game would have to have a balance between humor and deep emotion and it would most definitely have to have a dark side too. The short 2004 comic series Nightcrawler was a series of horror comics having Nightcrawler face off against a group of demons that murdered children. The game would obviously have to have a lot of fun elements to it as well.

The game at its best would be compared to a cross between The Amazing Spider-Man series, the Batman Arkham series and The Darkness series of games with a hub to mess about in and practice or play. It would also look fantastic, combining beautiful views of New York with dark noir style alleyways and a demonic dimension.

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