Monday 24 November 2014


Like most shows I came into Arrow late, I've just started watching season one. Normally I hate shows that focus on flashbacks so much but the flash backs in this are awesome, they are kinda like a live action Far Cry 3.

The Green Arrow costume itself is amazing. Wish people would stop calling him the Hood though.

The bad guys look awesome too, I especially like Wintergreen and the Dark Arrow. They look proper bad-ass.

The Dark Arrow
There's so many great looking people in this show. Katie Cassidy plays Laurel, Oliver's ex and a lawyer trying to take down the corrupt people of the city through legal channels.

Emily Bett Rickards might be my favourite girl on the show, she is Felicity the prettiest computer genius I've ever seen. She works for Oliver.

Don't let Arrow know I said this but his little sister, Thea is bloody gorgeous although a little annoying. She's played by the lovely Willa Holland.

I don't normally include people outside the regular cast in these posts unless they are epically cool or beyond beautiful and Jessica De Gouw as Helena Bertinelli / The Huntress is both.

I really can't wait til I catch up with this show as the latest pictures I've seen excite me quite a bit.

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