Thursday 2 October 2014

10 Video Games that Affected me.

The other day I was tagged in one of those facebook chain things where you list something so your friends know a little more about you. The one I was tagged in was "10 video games that have affected you". I liked doing it as it felt similar to my posts on here and I thought 'I'm going to post that on my blog too, with pictures. So here it is.
An obvious one for me would be Doom as I was one of the few young kids lucky enough to have had a PC when I was younger and when I was a kid games were all I used the PC for. Doom Sparked my current love of FPS.

Golden Axe was always one of my favourite games. It's one of the few I played to death on the Mega Drive and it introduced me to the realm of fantasy.

One game not a lot of people people might not know about is Starsiege, as a 14 year old I spent many very late nights playing this game when I should have been in bed for school. I would say it was the 1st game I was addicted to.

I loved the original GTA for social reasons. I must have spent hours at a time at my mates house taking turns of this game, it was the first game I remember doing this with.

The first thing I ever saved up money for was the Age of Empires gold edition, I must have been 14/ 15 and it cost around £50, took me weeks to save up and that exact copy still sits next to my PC now.

Silent Hill was the first survival horror I truly loved (sorry Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark). It was for sure the first game that ever made me happy that I couldn't get through a door.

Red Faction was a fantastic game. I loved the campaign and it was the first game that I remember caring about multi-player. Also can't beat a fully destructible level.

The original Killzone was epic as hell, at the time the battles had no equal for fun factor and the multi-player, especially the co-op multi-player was the best I've ever experienced (again at the time).

The first game I completed then played again on the 360 was Fallout 3, I loved everything about that game and with the exception of all the Gears of War games its the only modern game I've played all the way through more than twice.

My favourite franchise for now is the Gears of War franchise and the first game in the series still gets me worked up while playing it. It's basically someone took the essence of heavy metal and put it in a game (sorry Brutal Legend).

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