Tuesday 30 September 2014

Top 5 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Villains (vampire free version)

Due to there being so many bad guys in Buffy I decided to do two top five villain lists. The being the second one. As I have previously done a Top 5 for vampires. This had the potential to take days to come up with but I came to a conclusion pretty darn fast.

5. Glorificus (Glory): Glory would have been higher up on my list but I deducted points for her not looking scary and being super attractive. That is partly the reason she made it onto the list too though. She looks so unimposing, always looking like an attractive woman in a tight dress yet she is probably the most powerful enemy Buffy came up against as she was an actual ancient Goddess. She was also pretty damn crazy and I do love a good crazy character.

4. The Gentlemen: The may have only appeared in one episode but they sure as hell made an impression on us. They made it on the list for being the creepiest of Buffy's enemies. They are a species of demon that travel by floating and they are completely silent. Their creepiness is on par with Slender Man who resembles their leader, or at least the guy who appeared to be their leader, it was hard to tell.

3. Dark Willow: After a main character dies (I don't want to spoil too much for those who haven't seen Buffy yet) Willow looses her mind and lets herself be overcome by grief and dark magic. She then hunts down the murder, attacking all that get in her way, including her friends. During this rampage she causes a lot of damage, kills in cold blood and eventually tries to destroy the world. There was something very cool about Willow being a powerful villain.

2. Adam: Adam was pretty damn cool and I do love a Frankenstein style monster (Adam was the name of Frankenstein's Monster by the way). He was part human, part demon and part machine and was created by The Initiative to be the ultimate bio-weapon. From the moment he woke he was uncontrollable and became kinda like a cross between the Nemesis from Resident Evil and the Borg from Star Trek as he tried to wipe out all previous life and tried to create a new 'perfect' race modeled on himself. He clearly had a god complex.

1. Caleb: There's not much creepier than a creepy priest, now take that creepy priest and make him a super powered serial killer working for a god-like creature calling itself the First Evil. Caleb could read minds, he seemed indestructible and had immense strength. He didn't even break a sweat when he first defeated Buffy and her friends, Spike and Faith included.

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