Monday 15 September 2014

Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes is awesome no matter what the American media says. The first thing I seen her in was She's the Man and I've been hooked on her ever since. She is one fantastic looking woman and her acting and comedy were amazing. Her movies are a breath of fresh air in the romantic comedy genre. Instead of promoting unhealthy messages like 'you must change who you are or forever be alone' and 'guys only like dumb blonde chicks' her movies show positive messages. In particular be yourself. I'm not embarrassed to say I'd watch She's the Man and Sydney White again and probably more than once. I'm also really wanting to watch What I Like About You. I love her physical comedy and her style of acting, it's a shame she's retired.

It's true that she went a little nuts for a while there but to start with it was no more than the average woman. She acted normally, when it comes to women, to being rejected by someone she liked. She only got worse due to the constant harassment and bullying by the American media, they done the same to Miley Cyrus who's just more resilient. The whole thing was more proof that no one should trust the mainstream media in America or the UK. I still found her attractive by the way, with the new look, much prefer the way she looked before and the way she looks now but she was always hot. She has one hell of a hot body, curves in all the right places and all that.

I normally don't care in the slightest about the lives of celebrities, I don't know them personally and they don't know me. I couldn't care less about the actions of strangers. I was however pretty damn pleased to hear about Amanda Bynes recovery and her enrollment into a fashion college. The best thing for her is to stay away from the media as much as possible and it always brightens up my day seeing a new picture of her being happy. Especially after seeing her go through a barrage like that from the media. Anyway, she'll always be near the top of my list of hot women not just because she's sexy and beautiful but also because she's one of the growing number of celebs that show a positive outlook on body image and that value personality and brains over looks.

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