Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Now this movie is the same as the first one, it would have been better if they didn't spend so much time on the 'not being Spider-Man' bits (the movie's called Spider-Man after all not Peter Parker). They really slowed the movie down and I always skip past them if I'm watching the movie alone, they just feel like filler to me. The rest of the movie is brilliant though.

We have the return of one of my biggest childhood crushes Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane to my delight.

Another attractive woman shows up in Peter's life, Ursula (Mageina Tovah) who clearly wants to pump him.

Even though I'd rather that Doctor Octopus was a complete nob like he is in the comics, Alfred Molina was perfect as him and he looked the part for sure. I do hope the next Doc Ock is more of an asshole though.

Despite taking almost a whole movie to do what the Amazing Spider-Man 2 done in a few minutes better it's still a great movie.

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