Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

I played this game when it first came out but didn't get past the first level as I went on to play some other games. At the time I didn't see what all the bad reviews were about as I though it was fun playing as Daryl, sneaking about stabbing zombies in the head. I continued the game recently and found out why it got such a bad write up, the levels are small with not much in them and when the game is easy it's so easy it's boring and when it's hard it's so hard you give up after a bout of Tourette's. There's no medium. It's also too easy to pick it up, play a level and then ignore it for a few months. The story isn't exactly engaging and there's too many crappy looking zombies to build any sort of atmosphere. It's sad really as this game had so much potential, I'd say play Dead Island or State of Decay instead if you want the gameplay we were expecting from this. I didn't want to do any bad reviews on this blog but this one was just so disappointing I had to mention it. It actually does make me proper sad of how much of a epic fail this game was. 

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