Saturday 6 September 2014

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

I'm currently reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time now but as a kid I was a big fan of the 1978 animated movie. So much so that when I was about 10 I answered Lord of the Rings to "What is your favourite movie." My teacher then replied "You know that's a cartoon?" and since I gave no fucks from an early age I just said "Yes, and?" That was the end of that.
When I heard there was a trilogy of movies coming out I was very excited and since I hadn't read the books yet I was just waiting to be blown away and I was. Peter Jackson is for sure going down as one of thee best in movie making. Everything about the movies sets the scene perfectly and you feel transported to this believable world.

The fact that it shows you the old battle at the start of the movie was unexpected and bloody fantastic. It looked awesome and Sauron looked bad-ass.

The Fellowship themselves are amazing, my personal favourites are Gimli, Boromir and Legolas (in that order). Legolas gets a lot of stick for pointing out the obvious in the movies but that's actually quite accurate to books I've found out. The thing is it's obvious to the audience and the readers but not to the rest of the party. One small detail I loved was when the Fellowship were on the mountain side and Legolas was on top of the snow when everyone else was waist or chest deep. Have another look.

I really liked Gimli in this bit, love a good axe throw.
Can't beat seeing the cave troll for the first time, the fight with it looked amazing.

Same with the Balrog, it fits the description in the book perfectly and it look proper bad-ass too. The scene on the bridge is exactly the same as it is in the book.

You shall not pass!
Every bad guy in these movies look perfect. Especially the Ringwraiths, granted they are a lot creepier in the books (moving more like animals than men) but they are still the stuff of nightmares in this.

Then there's obviously the orcs, can't have a Lord of the Rings thing without the orcs. They are the main embodiment of evil throughout the whole saga.

This is Lurtz, he's a bastard.
There's a couple of great looking women in this series too. Can't have a movie with elves in it without having breathtakingly beautiful actresses. One of these is Liv Tyler who I've praised before for being flawless.

The other is Cate Blanchett who, like Liv, is absolutely perfect for playing an elf. 

If you are a fan of fantasy and haven't seen this yet, you should. Then if you like them watch the extended version,

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