Saturday 3 January 2015

Logan's Run

Logan's Run is one of the best of the classic sci-fis. It takes place in a Utopian city ruled by a bastard of a computer where it is illegal to reach the age of 31. Logan 5 played by Michael York is a Sandman (how awesome of a name is that for the police), the world's version of the police. Their main duty is to track down and kill these people called Runners, people that don't voluntarily offer themselves up to be killed. Logan is sent undercover by the computer to find Sanctuary, a hideout where Runners and their allies are safe. However he quickly changes sides after learning the truth of their "perfect" world. If that sounds familiar it's because it's one of the most re-used stories in sci-fi (Minority Report, Equilibrium etc).

This movie is one of my personal favourite old sci-fis. I grew up watching it even with all the nudity but that was normal for a 70s sci-fi. I think I've seen this movie more times than some of my favourite films.

As well as actual nudity the costumes of the female cast in this movie don't leave much to the imagination including leading lady Jenny Agutter as Jessica 6 which my teen self is very grateful of.

A highlight of this movie is the lovely old man the protagonists meet outside the city played by Peter Ustinov.

A highlight of any sci-fi is normally the bad guys and this is no exception. I found it quite funny how fast Logan's ex-best friend, Francis 7 (Richard Jordan) went nuts.. and that was before he was even told about all the lies.

It's also quite funny how fast the situation with Box (the movies robot character, because what's a 70s sci-fi without a robot) escalates.

Every sci-fi fan should give this a watch if you haven't seen it already.

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