Sunday 26 October 2014

Killzone 3

So far this is my favourite game in the series, love the whole hopeless feel of this game. It feels easier to run out of ammo and die but it's still not too hard. As with the previous two games, they show the chaos of battle perfectly, this is also one of my favourite things about Gears of War and the Battlefront games. I love the way the ISA look in this too, both in full uniform at the start and as a resistance group later on in the game. 

As with the other games the Helghast look cool as. They have a bit of a difference to them in this game though as after a third of the way through it's mostly a private army the ISA are fighting. The capture troopers look real cool.

Now that's over with I'd love to see the Helghast and the ISA being forced to combine forces to combat an alien race, wouldn't that be awesome? 

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